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The Game of Life and How to Play It is a metaphysical classic. Ms.Shinn uses everyday situations to emphasis how

metaphysics and spiritual concepts enhance your life. Believe me, you won't want to put this book down.

Your Word is Your Wand: A Sequel to the Game of Life and How to Play It By Florence Scovel Shinn


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If you read my review for Ms.Shinn's other book "The Game of Life and How to Play It" her sequel "Your Word Is Your Wand" is just as riveting. This sequel hones in on the power of our words and how we can use them for goodwill or impediments in our life. Definitely worth taking note!

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I initially purchased Autobiography of a Yogi in paperback. After reading, underlining, and highlighting points in the book that inspired me, I purchased the hardcover edition. In my view, Autobiography of a Yogi is a treasure. It's not for everyone as it is advanced spiritually; however, it is written for the common individual in simple language. In fact, anyone picking up this book to read simply out of curiosity will be inspired. The content is witty and intelligently written. If you are searching for answers to the mysteries of our existence, you will find that this book will satisfy your curiosity. 

Are The Planets Just For Decoration?

July 14, 2020

I hadn't taken the time to write about my first self-published book Are The Planets Just For Decoration? on my blog. I'm currently searching for a publisher because I don't have the time to do all that's required to promote my book into a larger market. Anyway, I thought it would be a good idea to inform you of what my book is about.

I do not consider myself an astrologer; however, I have studied the subject extensively for years. What I did with my book is combine astrology with metaphysical principles. For example, each sign has its own chapter about its basic character. There's also a complementary chapter about the "spiritual connection" of each sign.

For example, the sign of Aries has a chapter about its fundamental traits and how to recognize the sign in the people you meet. I don't go into the more complex identifiers of each sign like their rising sign at birth, astrological houses, charts, etc. I write only about the essentials. The complementary chapter takes on a more spiritual approach, and therefore each sign has two chapters.

The intro of my book explains what my book is about and how it can inspire you to know more about your inner-self. I also exclusively state that "astrology should be used only as a steppingstone on the spiritual path." It should not be used as a day-to-day resource on how to live your life. God has provided us with many ways of learning about his nature and astrology is simply one of them. You don't think the planets were created just for decoration do you? Hence the title of my book. The goal is to reach the "ultimate self-realization" where your consciousness is free from all worldly influence in order to know The Creator. Hopefully my book will help you to do so.

I also include a chapter on the History of Astrology and another on the Science of Astrology. The book is approximately 108 pages with a zodiac drawing on the back and a blank page for notes. I designed the book cover myself; however, once a publisher picks up my book that could change so get the "original" while you can. You can order directly from me on my What's Up page (I have a contest for a free book) or from Ebay. No, I'm not on Amazon...yet. I'm a bit uncertain about giving my bank information for payments. I'll see or I'll probably let the publisher handle it once I find one.

Anyway, that's my post for May 2020. I wish you all the best and stay prayed-up and spiritually strong.

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The Power of Positive Thinking

By Norman Vincent Peale

The Power of Positive Thinking is a publication centered around spiritual principles in practical terms. It's a must read for anyone whether you are consciously seeking God or simply looking for positive inspiration.

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