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The Game of Life and How to Play It is a metaphysical classic. Ms.Shinn uses everyday situations to emphasis how

metaphysics and spiritual concepts enhance your life. Believe me, you won't want to put this book down.

Your Word is Your Wand: A Sequel to the Game of Life and How to Play It By Florence Scovel Shinn


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If you read my review for Ms.Shinn's other book "The Game of Life and How to Play It" her sequel "Your Word Is Your Wand" is just as riveting. This sequel hones in on the power of our words and how we can use them for goodwill or impediments in our life. Definitely worth taking note!

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I initially purchased Autobiography of a Yogi in paperback. After reading, underlining, and highlighting points in the book that inspired me, I purchased the hardcover edition. In my view, Autobiography of a Yogi is a treasure. It's not for everyone as it is advanced spiritually; however, it is written for the common individual in simple language. In fact, anyone picking up this book to read simply out of curiosity will be inspired. The content is witty and intelligently written. If you are searching for answers to the mysteries of our existence, you will find that this book will satisfy your curiosity. 


May 10, 2021

I'm sure you are all aware of the supposed pestilence that has ravaged the planet lately. No?...Well, let me clue you in on something; it's become outright demonic. At least in my eyes. And believe me, I can see quite well.

The entire believed contagion has become a religion in itself. With little to no resistance, the media has managed to turn much of the misguided populace away from Truth....away from God.

Not that everyone was aware of God or Truth in the first place. As the saying goes the foolish outweigh the prudent.

Filled with fear and hopelessness, worldly leaders and their concoctions have become their God. It's a sad state of affairs. The situation is dire.

Unfortunately, many self-styled pastors and preachers (some well-known) have jumped on the secular bandwagon to preach the global unreality to a spiritually bankrupt people, who believe there is no where to turn but to man.


Undeniably, one of the greatest delusions in existence today is the wearing of masks, the symbol of "limitation and obedience." A spell has been cast, and it's impossible for many to release themselves from its grip.

If you feel more secure wearing a mask...then by all means wear-it. However, the mask is a symbol...what some might call sorcery. It reinforces the delusion of the current world climate. The trickery is too powerful for those who are not aware of their inalienable rights given to them at birth and their true spiritual nature.

"No rights can be given by man. All rights are given to us by our Creator."

Unfortunately, the populace - for the most part - has a severe case of amnesia and have completely forgotten about their spiritual birthright.

Many carry the misconception that we are simply a mass of flesh and bones and that the worse thing that can happen is death. We are eternal spiritual beings with untold power. This earthly journey and all its happenings, are miniscule in comparison.

But so many see this world as the only reality; thereby, selling their Souls for a loaf of bread.

If we don't hold tight to "truth" (which can only be known by maintaining close contact with the One who created us) we go astray like unruly children. These very same people then curse God for the pain they brought upon themselves.

God gave us an amazing immune system, but the emphasis in the world is centered around man-made solutions. Not even a mention of natural/alternative medicines that God has given us to naturally boost the immune system when needed.

Just to be clear, I am not totally against man-made concoctions, but they're not the ultimate answer to the world's obsession with

dis-ease. Earthly solutions minus God's wisdom will never be a cure-all for our problems.

Mask wearing is the ultimate symbol of submission and hides the natural affinity that human beings have for one another. This is why the wearing of mask during these tumultuous times is emphasized.

Secular leaders want us to see each other as contagious, dirty, and dishonorable. They've managed to separate us into the "virtuous vs the non-virtuous" the "goodies vs the baddies" and "US vs THEM."

That's no way to live.

Society cannot function properly by ignoring God's existence. Mask wearing is one of the biggest culprits perpetuating the environment of fear.

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” Psalm 23:4

“The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” Psalm 27:1

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling.” Psalm 46

God is is not. When we turn from God...there's no hope or freedom. Our freedom and salvation is not in the world, but that's exactly the place people look; hence all the depression, anxiety, fear, and hate...we're not in our true element.

Mask Wearing Suppresses Our Spiritual Being and Expression

The virus is invisible...mask makes the virus "visible." Masks are a symbol and create an aura of deceit upon the human psyche. People can conceal their faces and their true intentions. The expression of life itself is hidden.

There is no metaphysical i.e. spiritual science and there's certainly conflicting worldly scientific opinions about the effectiveness of wearing masks.

The article Americans Are Suffering From 'Mass Delusional Psychosis' Because of Covid-19 raised some interesting points. Even though I would slightly modify the title to read "The World Is Suffering From Mass Delusional Psychosis."

Here's a small excerpt from the article:

"Because objective reality threatens to unravel their carefully crafted imaginary world, the delusional person lashes out at others who dare act in contradiction to their delusions. Wearing a mask becomes more about social solidarity than it is about following the science. Instead of re-thinking their world view, they have to compel others to fit into the reality of their own making."

When a person is disconnected from God, their thinking is delusionary and uncontrolled. Remember: when the world takes over your mind, you are relinquishing control over it.

Hence, the destruction we see everywhere because humanity has forgotten "who they really are."

Humanity loses all sense of sensibility...and becomes lost when they forget The Creator and give power to the world.

You might say that masks are worn regularly in some parts of East Asia, but it's voluntary. Not only that, the masks are worn for completely different reasons. This informative site explains why:

"Japanese wear masks when feeling sick as a courtesy to stop any sneezes from landing on other people. Japanese women mask their faces on days when they don’t have time to put on makeup. Philippine motorcycle riders wear masks to deflect vehicular exhausts in heavy traffic. In Taiwan, citizens say masks keep their faces warm in the winter and offer a sense of protection from air pollution, including any airborne germs."

Whether the masks they wear actually provides the protection they seek is debatable. Overall, masks are not seen as a sign of control and oppression in East Asian countries, for the most part, because it's voluntary. Maybe the remembrance of the individuality of the Soul lies somewhere within their subconscious.

Yet, whether East or West, the idea of "covering one's face" in fear of others i.e. God's creation, is a sign of defeat.

According to worldly scientific research, masks are not designed to be impermeable to viral particles.

This medical site provides some interesting information:

"Face masks can play a role in preventing the infection, but that role is limited. A face mask is not the ideal solution for protection from the new coronavirus."

Keep in mind: While adhering to worldly suggestions, one should remain ever vigilant to the knowledge of "God's presence."

One must make a choice "join with The Creator" or only obey the dictates of man.

"Man cannot dictate nature nor can man dictate fate" unless the actions taken are inline with "spiritual laws." As the spiritual side of humanity is disregarded - suffering increases.

So, why are we walking around with our faces almost completely covered? Humanity has been living together for 1000s perhaps millions of years...are we suddenly too dangerous to be near one another? We've gone through all types of plagues and viruses. So, what's so different now?

Outside of the world's leaders' personal agendas...we've lost touch with The Creator, especially with the rapid development of technology. That's it plain and simple. Humanity has become lost, faithless, and insufferable.

The populace become cowards and world-leaders become tyrants, because they believe there is no Higher Power to answer to and unfortunately, the masses follow.

Don't get me wrong. When those in charge of "worldly power" are filled with wisdom and have the "courage" to act on that wisdom, the world is blessed. But it's rare...and where is the wisdom and courage today of those who lead the people?

Man has become subject unto himself as if he created himself.

And Humanity Is Lost. We must forever work with our true spiritual nature "on earth as it is in heaven."

As we continue along a downward spiral in the 21st century, we are losing the ability to express the beauty of God from within. The expression of love, the contagiousness of joy, and harmonizing virtues of trust that is naturally instilled within us is all but forgotten.

Masks hide our beauty, openness, and the deep spiritual

connection we have with one another.

What are your thoughts? I'd like to hear from you. Please leave a comment.

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The Power of Positive Thinking

By Norman Vincent Peale

The Power of Positive Thinking is a publication centered around spiritual principles in practical terms. It's a must read for anyone whether you are consciously seeking God or simply looking for positive inspiration.

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