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The Game of Life and How to Play It is a metaphysical classic. Ms.Shinn uses everyday situations to emphasis how

metaphysics and spiritual concepts enhance your life. Believe me, you won't want to put this book down.

Your Word is Your Wand: A Sequel to the Game of Life and How to Play It By Florence Scovel Shinn


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If you read my review for Ms.Shinn's other book "The Game of Life and How to Play It" her sequel "Your Word Is Your Wand" is just as riveting. This sequel hones in on the power of our words and how we can use them for goodwill or impediments in our life. Definitely worth taking note!

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I initially purchased Autobiography of a Yogi in paperback. After reading, underlining, and highlighting points in the book that inspired me, I purchased the hardcover edition. In my view, Autobiography of a Yogi is a treasure. It's not for everyone as it is advanced spiritually; however, it is written for the common individual in simple language. In fact, anyone picking up this book to read simply out of curiosity will be inspired. The content is witty and intelligently written. If you are searching for answers to the mysteries of our existence, you will find that this book will satisfy your curiosity. 

Life Is A Game And Here's How To Play It

February 4, 2022

Yes, I know...saying "life is just a game" seems nonsensical and delusional. However, when you realize "why" life is a game you will begin to understand "how to play it." The happenings taking place today have always occurred in one form or another throughout history. If you know the rules of the game you will cease to be anxious because you know that things will eventually sort themselves out. As the saying goes:

Dry your eyes and trust in your faith. There is great power within you. A power that is capable of defeating any negative circumstance if you give it a chance. However, this knowledge comes with inner-growth and enlightenment. In fact, even during times of difficulty your life will still be wonderful because you "understand the game."


I want to introduce a book to you that many spiritual minded individuals have read and find most enlightening. It's called The Game Of Life and How To Play It. It's written over 100 years ago by a deeply perceptive and intuitive woman named Florence Scovill Shinn. It's a classic.

The book is roughly 95 pages and includes chapters like The Game, The Law of Prosperity, The Law of Nonresistance, and so on. Keep in mind, that this book is not a "how to win friends or how to be more likeable."

The Game of Life and How To Play It is a deeply spiritual, truth telling, all-around inspirational book built on the foundations of God's universal laws. What makes this book so unique is its simplicity. Not only that, it's captivating, keeps your interest, and there's a humorous aspect to it as well. I must say, the author (Florence Scovill Shinn) was deeply inspired, intuitive, and fired-up when she wrote it.

I would advise any person on the spiritual path (regardless of your religious leanings) to pick up a copy of this timeless masterpiece. Click on the title in red (or the book image) to order your copy. It's also available in Kindle and as an audio book. However, there's nothing like having a tangible copy in your hand.

Therefore, I'm giving away 5 paperback copies of The Game of Life and How To Play It. All you have to do is go to my Contact page and write a short paragraph (maybe 3-5 sentences) on why you feel motivated to read this wonderful book.

I will reply with an email to the 5 most inspiring declarations. So get going and remember "once you know how to play the game of life, you set yourself free!"

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The Power of Positive Thinking

By Norman Vincent Peale

The Power of Positive Thinking is a publication centered around spiritual principles in practical terms. It's a must read for anyone whether you are consciously seeking God or simply looking for positive inspiration.

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